Support Engineering Wants You!


  • A Boston area geek well versed in the arts of Triage and Web Development.
  • Wielder of code machete in defense of users.
  • Happy to kill the fast bugs and throw the big ones over the wall to eng.
  • Willing to help buffer other engineers from a stream of interruptions and client requests.
  • Creative thinker who’ll find ways to improve visibility, and increase customer smiles.
  • Willing to code up reports, onboard clients, and find ways to make doing so faster.
  • Strong familiarity with one or more modern web frameworks RoR, Django, Spring, etc.
  • Don’t think I’m an asshole, or think I’m just the right kind of asshole: either / or.
  • Capable of figuring out how to contact me with your resume.


A thirteen year old self-funded SAAS shop in East Cambridge, running Ruby on Rails. We do that crazy thing where you create a product and then sell it to customers… for money. No VC bullshit. No worry about everything disappearing in six months.

Health insurance, 2wks vacation, 401k, blah, blah, blah.

Alas, no telecommuters.