Table of Contents Overview Red-Black Initiative (RBI) Quick Rules summary What You’ll need. The Setup Who goes next? Introducing New Characters to the Fight Characters With Multiple Attacks or “Lair Actions” Keeping track of where you are in the initiative Once per fight, or once per round? Using beads, dice, or colored game tokens from a tabletop game. Meta-commentary Advantages Disadvantages Example usage Worksheet Inspiration Why “Red-Black” Initiative License Overview This document discusses a new1 form of managing initiative order for Tabletop Role Playing Games without math.
Table of Contents Overview Definitions Context The game, and its problems. The Male Gaze Comparative Representation Context Matters Contributors Wrap-up It doesn’t have to be like this. Summary Overview This post uses a recent Tabletop Role Playing Game (TTRPG) as a concrete example of the problems that still remain within our community. When it comes to including women, it seems that there are many things that “shouldn’t need to be said” but apparently still do.
Table of Contents The Remarkable 2 e-ink notebook Summary Context The Search The Review Why It’s Better Than Paper Pens, brushes, etc. Getting Things On and Off it Styluses Reading PDFs Gotchas & Warnings Final Thoughts Bonus Discovery The Remarkable 2 e-ink notebook Summary If you are the type of person who already takes a lot of handwritten notes in notebooks you’ll probably love it. Everyone else should probably skip it.
Table of Contents tl;dr: An explanation It’s already started Going Forward What if they do get a toehold? But what about [insert company here] tl;dr: Meta and Google are existential threats to the continued existence of Mastodon (and friends).
An existential threat is a threat to a people’s existence or survival. - The Brittanica Dictionary (editorial)
The best way to guarantee the death of the things we love about Mastodon (and friends) is to allow Meta or Google to gain a toehold in the Fediverse.
It took me a while to figure out the correct collection of magical incantations required to make RuboCop run in a GitHub workflow, but ONLY on the files that were changed within the PR. This is a useful configuration if you have a codebase that has not yet been modified to satisfy all your “Cops”. I’ve also included a version of the same file that you can use when you’re ready to have RuboCop run on all non-excluded files.
Apple distributes their “Add to Wallet” images as SVGs which is great, but if you want to add it to an email or anything else that has issues with SVG files you’re going to need a PNG (to maintain transparency around the rounded corners). Unfortunately there are a LOT of these images needed to support the various languages.
apple wallet images pr Converting these to PNGs is not as easy as you’d hope.
Table of Contents Overview Step-By-Step The Corners The “ears” Everything Else A Template For The Leather Conclusion Overview A Guide To Rounding Corners and Edges in Tinkercad.
Alternately, how I spent way too much time modeling a dice tray.
Rounding corners in Tinkercad is way more trouble than it ought to be. It’s not actually hard, it’s just really time consuming and requires a lot of steps. Once you wrap your head around the general approach you’ll be able to round anything.
Table of Contents High Level Summary The Hope The Good The Meh The Not Good The Bad Bluetooth Power Switches Charge Indicator When Things Go Wrong The Bridge Modifying The Keyboard Layout The Conclusion Update High Level Summary The Kinesis Advantage 360 Pro feels great. The ergonomics are better than the Advantage 2. The Bluetooth is buggy. The on/off switches are terrible. The mechanism for resetting it is worse than terrible.
Table of Contents Preface Skills in TTRPGs What’s a Skill Playing Without Skills Why That’s Not Enough How Skills Change Things What about Knowledge Checks? What about Perception & Investigation? Perception Investigation Clarification Conclusion Update Preface A recent episode of the Internet Office Hours: Role-Playing Games podcast was discussing the question of Skill Checks in Tabletop Role Playing Games (TTRPGs) and if they were actually needed. In designing my game I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about this, and I thought I’d share my perspective.
Table of Contents Duct Tape & Baling Wire Premise, and Perspective Premise Flexible Makeshift Materials The “Wrong” Tool For The Job Quick & Dirty != Crap The Importance of Context The Methodology Duct Tape & Baling Wire A coding methodology for personal projects and proof of concepts.
Premise, and Perspective Premise There is a time and place for following “best practices” as a developer. It is not “always”.
Best practices should be followed when…