99 Lines of code on the wall...

99 lines of code on the wall.
99 lines of code.
You look around, refactor it down…
98 lines of code on the wall.

98 lines of code on the wall.
98 lines of code.
You look around, refactor it down…
97 lines of code on the wall.

Or, alternately

    function singVerse(numLines){
        if (numLines \> 0){
            document.write("" + numLines + " lines of code on the wall.\\n");
            document.write("" + numLines + " lines of code.\\n");
            document.write("You look around, refactor it down...\\n");
            numLines -= 1;
            document.write("" + numLines + " lines of code on the wall.\\n");
        } else if (numLines == 0) {
            document.write("Totally bug free code on the wall\\n");
        } else {
            document.write("Need more tests for the code on the wall.\\n");