This morning at Akamai
Six years ago Akamai lostone of it’s founders in 9/11. It’s still quite evident what a blow it was to the people here as he was apparently a man who lived life to the fullest and really touched a lot of lives. How Akamai has chosen to deal with this loss has really impressed me. The made a little park next to the office building (at least i don’t think it was here before then) and planted a tree for him. Instead of making some disconnected financial contribution to some random charity they encourage employees to go help out at the food bank or spend time at a children’s center. They give an award every year in his name to employees who show the same kind of drive and passion that Danny had. This morning there was a small service in the park.Paul and Tom said a few words about Danny why trying not to cry. Then we had a moment of silence and those who were close to him each laid a rose next to his tree. Danny is never mentioned in the abstract here. He’s not some random guy who a bad thing happened to. His spirit very much lives on in Akamai, and that’s quite possibly the greatest tribute they could give him. This morning emphasized one thing to me. That Akamai is one of the few companies that really is a family. I may be on the outside edge of that but I feel proud to be included at all.