Convert textual RSS feeds into podcasts
[EDIT] Odiogo is now some sort of Japanese Car site. As such, this page has been obsoleted by yet another cool proprietary product disappearing.
Odiogo will take your blog’s rss feed and run it through a text-to-speech converter so that people can subscribe to it as a podcast. It’ll, obviously, have the same quirks as any other text-to-speech converter and is, probably, limited to English but it’s a pretty nifty idea, even if their name is a total rip-off (Odiogo makes rss into podcasts Odeo manages rss feeds of podcasts). Also, they seem to have done a really good job with the intonation of the computer voice.
Ironically I found out about this from a deaf blog. Creating a podcast via normal means would be tricky for a deaf person (you’d have to edit exclusively by sound wave patterns), and, with no disrespect meant, people born deaf tend to sound a little off when speaking, and I would assume that most of them would lack confidence in their speech. I’m know I would. So, this is a great way for deaf bloggers to offer podcasts. Plus, the idea of listening to a deaf blog is just so wonderfully contradictory.