git status-report
Every week I, and millions of developers like me, have to put together a status report for our bosses, letting them know what we’ve been up to for the previous week. Like most of the developers I’ve encountered I’m always a little unsure of what *exactly* I was working on, and typically I just open up git to see what commits I made, and try to remember any non-code stuff I’ve Thinking it was silly to keep wading through everyone’s commits for the past week to see what I worked on I’ve put it all together in a script (in Ruby) called git status-report, which you can grab from github here.
It outputs a bullet list of all your commits for the past n days, or the commits of one of your fellow contributors. I think I’ll find the latter a great way to keep up on what other folks on my team are working on at the moment.
Usage: git status-report [-e <email>][-d <days>]
Generates a status report for what you worked on for the past n days.
-a, --all Displays output for all contributers sorted by person
-b, --branches <branch name> Limit results to work found in the specified branch(es).
Multiple branches can be comma separated
-c, --current Generates status report for the current repo only
-d, --days <num days> The number of days to generate the report for. Defaults to past 6 days (one week)
-e, --email <email address> The email address of the committer to generate a report for.
Defaults to your "git config" address.
Multiple email addresses can be comma separated.
-f, --files Display a list of files involved in the commit(s)
-h, --help Displays this message
-r, --reverse Displays output in reverse chronological order
-s, --simple Simpler output. Doesn't include the dates
-v, --verbose Verbose output includes details on each commit
Please don’t hesitate to fork the repo on github and make improvements. I’ll happily merge them in to the main one. git-status-report supports will check for commits in all the branches and supports multiple repositories. Check the README for full details.