A surprising discovery while playtesting a combat encounter.
An exploration of manual fin-like supports for 3D models
Instructions on how to replace a broken fan in a Fnatr 02 box
Who 3D & what 3D printing is good for, beyond printing simple tchotchkes, plus a list of the many useful things I’ve made.
Thoughts on this good-ish table you shouldn’t buy.
A review of this unique card-based, beginner friendly, TTRPG
Table of Contents Overview Context It’s all about the fighting I want more The problem is hard If they’re not really generic… Overview I love the idea of generic role-playing games, but as time goes by I find myself caring less and less. Yet, there’s still something great about them. This post explores those thoughts.
Context The basic premise of a Generic Tabletop Role-playing game is that you can learn this one system, and then play any kind of game with it.
Table of Contents Overview Shredding Gotchas Extruding Gotchas Color Materials Thickness Winding Pelletizing Summary Overview Despite being “plant based” there are almost no 3D printer filaments that are actually compostable or biodegradable in any meaningful way. PLA needs oxygen, a temperature of 140+°F (60°C), and a variety of organic compounds to break down. You’re not going to find these outside of an industrial composting facility and most of them won’t take PLA anyway because it’s frequently mixed with other things that make it non-compostable.
Table of Contents Debugging Our Ambulance tl; dr: two developers use standard debugging techniques to fix electrical problems in their ambulance. Setting The Stage The Problem A debugging we will go Gather the initial known truths Propose Theories Choose A Theory And Test It Summary Afterward Debugging Our Ambulance tl; dr: two developers use standard debugging techniques to fix electrical problems in their ambulance. Setting The Stage We had to drop our car off at the dealership last night.
Table of Contents Overview Red-Black Initiative (RBI) Quick Rules summary What You’ll need. The Setup Who goes next? Introducing New Characters to the Fight Characters With Multiple Attacks or “Lair Actions” Keeping track of where you are in the initiative Once per fight, or once per round? Using beads, dice, or colored game tokens from a tabletop game. Meta-commentary Advantages Disadvantages Example usage Worksheet Inspiration Why “Red-Black” Initiative License Overview This document discusses a new1 form of managing initiative order for Tabletop Role Playing Games without math.